About Us | Meeting Minutes

Annual Board Meeting Minutes - September 17, 2020


  • Tim Love (Reid Health)
  • Kate Kotan (City of Richmond)
  • Jenie Lahmann, President (Morrisson-Reeves Library, InSites Web Design)
  • Lynn Knight, Secretary (Earlham College)
  • Richard Peterson (Porter Advertising, LLC)
  • Dakota Collins (Earlham College)
  • Jane Holman (Executive Director, WayNet.org, Ex-Officio)


Call to Order:

President Jenie Lahmann called the meeting to order at 12:04 p.m.

Old Business

President Jenie Lahmann shared:

Waynet is celebrating 23 years of existence

  • Did a call out to Jane for her exemplary work with Waynet
  • Acknowledged Jane for agreeing to take furlough which helped with finance for the organization while continuing her high level of work for the organization
  • Reminded us of the organization's mission and vision:
    • Our Mission
    • To serve as our community's resource for complete and positive information that inspires engagement, awareness and celebration. ~ adopted October 2019
    • Our Vision
    • To build and support an energized and positive community. ~ adopted October 2019
  • Shared Waynet goals for 2020-21:
    • Continue to provide photos of the area and events
    • Provide information to and about the community
    • Driving force for an event calendar for the community
  • Thanked the City of Richmond, Members and Sponsors for their continued support of Waynet
  • Extended a thank you to two long standing and involved board members who have stepped down from serving on the Board:
    • Pam Merchanthouse, 13 years, filled every board position and served on every committee, positive approach to Waynet
    • Rob Tidrow, 10 years, held many board positions and served on most of the committees and provided help with technology

Reviewed minutes from last meeting:

Call for motion to approve by: Richard Peterson, seconded by Dakota Collins, and approved by Board.

New Business

Election of officers and approval Board members:

  • All board members agreed to continue to serve on the board.
  • Renewal of two-year term on board: Richard Peterson and Dakota Collins

Election of Officers:

  • President : Jennie Lahmann
  • Vice President: Tim Love
  • Secretary: Lynn Knight

Board approved by raising of hands.

Jenie reminded us we still need board members and that Teresa Jansing, First Bank interested in serving. Will invite to next meeting.

Board and Jane agreed to continue 2 week furlough scheduled for November. Jane will keep track of her hours.

Balance Sheet Review

Jane presented in detail the balance sheet report showing good ending balance.

Noted with Jane's furlough helped the bottom line.

Call for motion to approve by Kate Kotan, Tim Love seconded, and approved by the Board.

Cash flow report presented by Jane, noting outstanding membership dues. Jane will be reaching out again for status of payment.

Director's Report

Jane presented both the August and September reports:

Shared changes/additional fees received from memberships and photo's.

Updated us on advertising/marketing and community relations

  • Guests for Wayne County Connections TV Show
  • Social Media numbers

Went over issues and projects

  • Will continue to do most of work from home
  • Adobe and website files set up on Dreamweaver on new computer
  • Confirmed Pam Merchanthouse retiring and has served on Baord since 2007
  • Reviewing pages on web site for dead/broken links, URL's need updating
  • The script for auto-including a variety of images from our Flickr account has broken. Found a solution (less than perfect, but workable) for including images on our sidebar. Using Flickr's "include" code on indiviual pages. Probably about 1/2 way through with the update. These images are indivualized for each page, so I often spend some time updating links while I have the page open, making it a fairly slow process.
  • Still searching for fix for "robots.txt" issue that Google is returning for our calendar section. Any help appreciated!
  • Out of letter head
  • Timely notified us that the annual fee for the calendar would be $580, instead of the $450 we had budgeted. After much back and forth, Jane got them to reduce it by $30 to $550.

Shared ongoing projects:

  • Still need to work on transferring data from Access into a Google Spreadsheet so we don't lose the information.
  • Website Overhaul - review log analysis, research technical options and trending layouts
  • Ongoing: Schedule guests for County Connections.
  • Ongoing: Make calls on members/potential members
  • Ongoing: Continue to review & update web pages.
  • Prepare & Mail invoices and statements each month, Accounts Receivable
  • Ongoing - Review files for clean up using Screaming Frog SEO spider and Optimizr.com.
  • Set up Internship/Volunteer Program

Reminded us that Waynet needs to be more mobile friendly

Board discussed that maybe should consider an intern from Wayne County Foundation of Chamber of Commerce or Polytechnic

When considering being more mobile friendly discussed we need to look at current and long-term needs. President Jenie asked if anyone on board interested in helping work on going more mobile, speak to Jane.

Next Meeting: Thursday, October 15, 2020 at noon


With no further business to discuss, meeting was adjourned at 12:41 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Lynn Knight, Secretary
September 20, 2020


WayNet is Sponsored by:
Reid Health
We R Richmond - Richmond Community Schools
Morrisson-Reeves Library
City of Richmond, Indiana

Community Photo

More Photos:
Wayne County | WayNet Albums

Did You Know?

The highest point in Indiana is located in Wayne County, northwest of Bethel. At 1,257 feet, it is known as “Hoosier Hill”, but that title is a bit ironic.