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Executive Board Meeting
March 16, 2006
- Misty Hollis, President (Wayne County Visioning)
- Gary Arndts, Vice-President/Treasurer (Marketing & Creative
- Jim Buckler, Secretary (WorkOne)
- Jane Holman, Executive Director, Ex Officio, (WayNet.org)
- Dudley Fetzer (First Richmond)
- Jodi Johnson (Western Wayne Schools)
- Valerie Biggs (Richmond Community Schools)
Call to Order
President Misty Hollis called the meeting to order at 12:06 PM in the
auditorium at Richmond Power & Light. There was a quorum.
Minutes for the January meeting were reviewed.
Dudley Fetzer made the motion to approve; Gary Arndts seconded the
motion. January minutes were approved.
Old Business
There were no fee waivers presented.
The financial balance
sheet for January and February 2006 was reviewed. The balance at the
end of February was $10,480.51. Balance was lower than typical at the
end of February due to purchase of computer and monitor in January and
income for February is typically lower than January. There was
discussion about the benefit of billing all members at the same time and
pro-rating for partial years versus billing on the member’s anniversary
date of joining. Consensus was to continue with the same billing method,
currently on the anniversary date. Jodi Johnson made the motion to
approve the financial report; Jim Buckler seconded. The financial
statement through February 2006 was approved.
Status of WayNet changing from a 501 (c)-4 to (c)-3 was again discussed.
Three requests for proposal were sent to accounting firms (It was
discovered that accounting firms generally do this rather than
attorneys.) One proposal was received. This was from Gillam & Zetzl,
Inc. Their proposal was $2000 after April 15th when tax season ended.
Their estimate stated it would take approximately 6 months after
submission of documents for IRS to respond. Misty, Jane and Robin will
meet with Gillam & Zetzl, Inc. to pose some questions from the board.
These inquiries relate to; their success with other 501 (c)-3
applications, needed revisions of by-laws, membership model and chances
of success. Dudley Fetzer moved to give them the authority to proceed
with the application and process with Gillam & Zetzl, Inc. if the
questions were answered to their satisfaction. Valerie Biggs seconded.
The motion was approved.
New Business
Summersault has created a beta version of a Community Calendar
program. They are proposing to offer it to WayNet at no cost to replace
the current calendar. It has some major benefits including appearance
and functionality. Some features are functional such as emailing entries
on the calendars; others are not completely operational. It should not
be used by the general public at this time; board members and other
interested organizations are encouraged to play with it to find bugs and
make recommendations. There is a concern about having the security of a
back up for the calendar if for some unforeseen circumstance Summersault
would not be able to support it in the future. With this caveat, Jodi
Johnson moved to give Jane the authority to go forward and accept the
proposal to use the Summersault Calendar program. Dudley Fetzer seconded
and the motion carried.
Gary Arndts posed the question of acceptability of multiple domain links
for Business members. Earlham (Wellness Center and others) and other
sponsorship level sites have had multiple links within WayNet all along.
Dudley Fetzer made the motion to allow multiple links for business level
or higher membership. Jodi Johnson seconded the motion. The motion
Misty Hollis updated the board on the Executive committee meeting that
took place prior to today’s board meeting. The Executive Committee
approved the proposal to have the Chamber’s calendar feed information
into WayNet’s calendar as a “child” calendar. The one time set-up fee
would be $100. This proposal and pricing structure would then be used
for future organizations requesting this service. The Summersault
Calendar would be able to provide the same service. A second item
regarded the offer of KICKS 96 going to the $1000 level membership if
they could pay quarterly rather than annually as WayNet’s policy
currently states for that level of membership. The Executive Committee
recommended to the board to allow quarterly payments for any level if
requested. Gary Arndts moved to accept the recommendation, Dudley Fetzer
seconded and the recommendation was approved.
Gary Arndts presented the report from the Marketing Committee, which met
twice since the last meeting. Jane distributed packets to be used by
board members to use for marketing WayNet when opportunities are
available. Samples of postcard style flyers were developed for handouts
and available for picking up at business and public locations. The
WayNet newsletter (average distribution of 500, plus all forwarded via
email) has been re-designed to look like WayNet’s web site (html
format). Advertising opportunities will be available on the left column.
A fee structure needs to be established for this; it was tabled for the
next meeting. The next Marketing Committee meeting is scheduled for
April 10th at 9:30 at West End downtown location.
The Elk’s Club, currently a 501 (c)-8 organization, was unable to
qualify for non-profit membership because of their tax status. They
offered to go to a Business level of $300 if WayNet could track for them
the number of “click throughs” from WayNet to their site. There was
concern that if many members wanted this data there may be a workload
issue for Jane to acquire these statistics. It was also stated that
their web hosting service could probably already provide that
information. There was no movement on this request and they will remain
at the Basic level for now.
Executive Director’s Report
As there was little time to review the
Executive Director’s report,
it was suggested that the board could read it on line. Jane mentioned
the big improvement was the purchase of a new computer and monitor which
has made her job a lot easier with fewer crashes and improved
performance. Web analysis continues to show higher usage levels.
As there was no further business the meeting adjourned at 1:18 PM. The
next regular board meeting will be May 18th, 2006 at noon, Richmond
Power & Light.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Buckler