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General Reference Resources

#1 Song on This Date in History - compiled from Billboard charts released since 1940.

All Refer - extensive information from trusted sources on over 150,000 articles from a brief encyclopedia, gazetter, and health encyclopedia.

Ask an Expert - links to multiple sites that reference expert information.

Birthday Facts - find out who shares your birth date, what happened on the day or during the year you were born.

How Stuff Works - fun, easy to understand information on lots of different subjects.

Knowledge Hound - a directory of "How To" articles on the Internet.

Self-Help Essays - get advice on everything from how to have a better attitude to how to cure boredom at work!

Committees and Meetings

Building Consensus - this method may used in place of Robert's Rules of Order in Wayne County. The method is highly supported by the large population of Friends in the area.

Parliamentary Procedure - Simplified version of Robert's Rules of Order

Consumer / Home Maintenance

ConsumerWatch - compilation of consumer product recalls.

Epinions - get or give your opinion on just about any product or service. Remember: anyone can post. Let the buyer beware!

Fabric Care Labels - do those little icons on your clothes labels confuse you? This web site decodes them!

How to Clean Anything - fun tips on everything from de-skunking the dog to removing fudge from carpet!

Indiana Gas Prices - compare local gas prices.

Stain Solutions - stain removal assistance from the University of Illinois Extension.

This to That - figure out the best way to glue things together.


eHistory - articles, biographies, timelines, maps and much more!

History of the Great Lakes States

Rulers - lists of heads of state and heads of government of all countries and territories, most going back to about 1700.

This Day in History

Top 100 Speeches of the 20th Century

WhoWhatWhen - a database of people and events from 1000 A.D. to the present. Create graphic timelines of periods in history and of the lives of individuals.

Science and Math

Calcr - an online calculator that offers a "tape" of the calculations you've made. Functionality several functions (e.g., abs, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, etc.).

Google Sky - an interactive map of the galaxy.

How Far Is It? - Distance Calculator - This service uses data from the US Census and a supplementary list of cities around the world to find the latitude and longitude of two places, and then calculates the distance between them (as the crow flies). It also provides a map showing the two places, using the Xerox PARC Map Server.

Instacalc - multiple functions with immediate results.

Online Conversion - easily converts units of length, temperature, cooking, velocity, volume, weight, time, angles, area, power, energy, density, force, pressure, numbers, finance, and much more!

Periodic Table of the Elements

Unit Conversion - one screen full of multiple conversion options for mass, time, area, temperature, pressure and data storage.

Your Sky - the interactive planetarium of the Web

Statistics and Public Information

Census Explorer - zoom in on census data by state, county and even census track. Explore People/Education/Income or Commuting information.

Community Information by Zip Code - locate information on population, education, health, environment, business or political statistics by zip code.

Chronicaling America: Historic Newspapers Digitalized - from 1789 to 1949

Most Popular Given Names since 1900 - compiled by the Social Security Administration

Public Records: The Journalist's Toolbox - links to sites that have public record information or can tell you how to access them by steering you to the proper office.

Statistical Resources on the Web

Time and Money

How Much Is that Worth Today? - compare the purchasing power of money from 1665 to 2003.

Time and Date - lists current times around the world, a time zone converter, calendar calculations between dates.

Time.gov - The Official US Time

The Universal Currency Converter

World Clock Meeting Planner - enter your city and the city that you want to phone and this web site will create a spread sheet with the appropriate call times in each.


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Reid Health
We R Richmond - Richmond Community Schools
Morrisson-Reeves Library
City of Richmond, Indiana

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Reid Health

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Did You Know?

Richmond High School is home to the only public Art Museum housed in an operating high school.