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Former Greens Fork, Indiana Banks & Merchants

Early Merchants and Business:

William Roller Hardware Store on west side of Main Street (4th place from Pearl).  Moved it and Post Office to Pearl Street, west of grocery.   Building was previously used as a motion picture house and gym and was owned by a Mr. Fagan.

John Ellis, Jr. Grocery (S.W. corner of Pearl & Main Streets). Previous location S.E. corner of the same streets.

Ernest Newman Hatchery (N.E. corner of Main & Pearl Streets).

Businesses in 1912:

  • Churches - 4 (four)
  • National Bank - organized December 28, 1904, Charter 7124 dated Feb. 4, 1904.
  • Merchandise Store - owned by George Mosey
  • Grocery Stores - 3 (three) owned by William Ellis, Charles Kienzle, & E. G. Hatfield
  • Meat Markets - 2 (two) owned by William Ellis & J. C. Ridge
  • Blacksmith Shop - owned by Ed Allen & Fred Cain
  • Hardware Store - owned by William Roller
  • Meeting Halls - Gaylor Hall, Masonic Lodge Hall,
  • Opera House
  • Hotels - 3 (three)
  • Restaurants -2 (two)
  • 5 & 10 Cent Store
  • Furniture Store
  • Milliner Store
  • Drug Store
  • Doctors - 3 (three) - William Neff, James Kerr, Fred Kienzle
  • Shoe Store owned by Samuel Kaucher
  • Bakery
  • Electric Light Plant
  • Barber Shops - 2 (two) - owned by Lafayette Stiggleman, Earl Stevenson
  • Poultry Butter & Eggs Co. - Owned by Daniel Harris & Eden Martindale
  • Stock Yards - owned by Eden Martindale
  • Telephone Cooperative Co.
  • Wayne Co. Lumber Co. - Managed by Thomas Turkleson
  • Cement Factory -owned by William Wise & Son.


First National Bank of Greens Fork

Original Directors: John Brooks, Ennias Kitterman, Alonzo Black, Frank M. Taylor, Milo Gentry, Matthew C. Brooks, Milton Hoover, Milton Bowmaster, & Daniel Harris.

Directors in 1912: John Davis, Daniel W. Harris, Leon S. Dougherty, Enos T. Veal, Daniel C. Moore, Philip Franzman, Milton Hoover, and B. R. Pierce.

Original Officers: Daniel W. Harris, President; Milo Gentry, Vice-President; Frank M. Taylor, Cashier; and Claude S. Kitterman, assistant cashier.

Daniel C. Moore was elected cashier on May 19, 1904.

Claude S. Kitterman left January 14, 1905.

Raymond E. Swallow came into the bank on October 2, 1905, and was made assistant cashier on March 6, 1906.

In 1912, the bank paid three percent (3%) on time deposits and township funds were carried at two percent (2%).

Second National Bank of Greens Fork

The bank was later known as "Star Bank" and it closed on June 30, 1994.

Special thanks to Jayne Beers of the Clay Township Historical and Preservation Society for providing this information.


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Did You Know?

The first county seat in Wayne County was located in Salisbury, a town that no longer exists. The county seat was moved to Centerville in 1818 and finally to Richmond in 1873.