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Annual Meeting Good Evening. I'd like
to welcome you all to the WayNet 2002 Annual Board Meeting. We're so very
glad to have you here. We have a lot of exciting activities to cover this
evening, so I will keep my report brief.
Despite these areas of progress and advancement, there is still much to do to make WayNet fully realize its promise of "promoting dynamic and interactive exchange of current thought and activities while celebrating our historical, cultural, and economic heritage." We all know that as difficult economic times and a changing financial perspective force businesses and organizations to take a hard look at their resources, we too must re-evaluate the best way to best realize our vision as a community network organization. There are so many exciting things that we can do with the concept of a web portal to Wayne County, but we are often caught up in the increasingly difficult tasks of promoting membership benefits, juggling limited financial resources, and keeping current with the technologies of the Internet that evolve hourly. Over the next year, I believe it will be important to further evaluate the core makeup of WayNet as an organization, and to ask ourselves some exciting, but sometimes difficult questions.
I think that these questions and others will drive and inspire us in important new directions. I invite you all to be a part of that process in whatever way you best see fit, be it critiquing the current WayNet.org, attending board meetings, or submitting your ideas for ways that the organization can grow and thrive. It's an exciting time to be working with dynamic websites and web services, as we'll hear from the DoxPop folks in just a bit, and we thank you all for making WayNet such a useful, community-building tool. Let's continue that trend.