About Us | Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes - July 20, 2017


  • Brad Glover, Vice-President/Treasurer (First Bank Richmond)
  • Aubrey Blue, Secretary (Cope Environmental Center)
  • Beth Fields (Wayne County Government)
  • Tim Love (Reid Hospital & Health Care Services)
  • Jenie Lahmann (Morrisson-Reeves Library
  • Randy Baker (Richmond Power and Light)
  • Jane Holman (Executive Director, WayNet.org, Ex-Officio)


  • Pam Merchanthouse, President (Friends Fellowship Community)
  • Lynn Knight, (Earlham College)
  • Rob Tidrow, (Richmond Community Schools)
  • David Burton (Burton & Simkin Attorneys)
  • Richard Peterson (Porter Advertising, LLC)
  • Dakota Collins (City of Richmond)

Call to Order:

Vice President Brad Glover called the meeting to order at approximately 12:04 PM in the Community Room at Richmond City Building.

Old Business

Approval of Minutes

Tim Love motioned the approval of the minutes dated May 18th, 2017, seconded by Randy Baker and the motion passed unanimously.>

New Business

Membership Drive Update

None to report.

Balance Sheet Reveiw

The Balance Sheet was reviewed. It was reported that we had quite a bit of income in May, not too much in June, and really well in July.

Wayne County Foundation bought 4 photos for their Annual Report.

Jenie suggested that Jane reach out to local graphic designers about our pictures so that they can use actual local pictures instead of the stock photos.

Jenie made a motion to approve the balance sheet and Beth seconded that motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Nominations for Offices in 2017/2018

It was suggested that we ask someone other than Pam to be the President as she has been in that position for a long time. This will be discussed at the Executive Committee Meeting.

Innovation Center Offer

The Innovation Center offered free office space to Jane. After a discussion, it was decided that the offer was very generous, but Jane will be staying at the City Building.

Director's Report

Jane reviewed the Director's Report.

Mission Question

As the Palladium-Item continues to reduce staff and local coverage, where do we fit? How do we best fulfil our mission?

Do we need to re-visit our mission statement?

Jenie questioned how Waynet.org could be the "feel good" news for Richmond (not reporting on all of the negatives happening around the community).

The next meeting is scheduled for September 21st, 2017. Location TBD.


Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 12:52 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Aubrey Blue, Secretary


WayNet is Sponsored by:
Reid Health
We R Richmond - Richmond Community Schools
Morrisson-Reeves Library
City of Richmond, Indiana

Featured Member

Seton Catholic Schools

Community Photo

More Photos:
Wayne County | WayNet Albums

Did You Know?

Hagerstown native, Ralph R. Teetor, respected automotive engineer and former president of Perfect Circle, was the inventor of the "Speed-O-Stat", now known as cruise control.