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WayNet Board
Meeting Minutes
May 14, 2009
- Dudley Fetzer President (First Bank Richmond)
- Gary Arndts Vice President (Marketing & Creative Services)
- Jane Holman Executive Director, Ex Officio (WayNet.org)
- Pam Merchanthouse (Friends Fellowship Community)
- David Burton (Burton & Simkin Attorneys)
- Beth Fields (Wayne County Government)
- Jodi Johnson (Western Wayne Schools)
Call to Order:
President Dudley Fetzer called the meeting to order at 12:00 pm
in the Richmond Power and Light Auditorium.
The meeting minutes from the March 12, 2009
board meeting were presented for approval. Jodi Johnson so moved.
Pam Merchanthouse seconded. The motion unanimously approved.
Old Business:
The Balance
Sheet was distributed and discussed. Mrs. Holman pointed out the
membership remains consistent with 150 members. Mr. Fetzer called
for a motion to accept the Balance Sheet as presented. David Burton
motioned to accept the balance sheet. Jodi Johnson seconded the
motion and it passed unanimously.
New Business:
Jane Holman delivered the
Executive Director’s Report and numerous topics were discussed,
including information on new members and leaving members, and an
update on the Wayne County Connections show and prospective guest
list. Mrs. Holman mentioned there are seventy-seven followers on
WayNet Twitter, with the objective of Twitter to provide a social
network, bring more users to Waynet and promote Wayne County.
Mrs. Holman continued with issues and projects that she has been
working on, and mentioned she is checking links on the site to
insure they are still valid. Mr. Fetzer suggested that board members
could help with this project, so Mrs. Holman will be sending a link
to Board Members so they are able to assist with this project.
Being no further business, Mr. Fetzer called for a motion to
adjourn. Jodi Johnson motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by
David Burton, and the meeting adjourned at 12:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Beth Fields
June 4, 2009