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WayNet Board Meeting
January 10, 2008
- Gary Arndts President (Marketing & Creative Services)
- Jodi Johnson (Western Wayne Schools)
- Jane Holman Executive Director, Ex Officio (WayNet.org)
- Randy Baker (Richmond Power & Light)
- Jim Dinkle (Economic Development Corporation)
- Jenie Lahmann (Morrisson Reeves Library)
- Robin Henry (West End Bank)
- Tim Love (Reid Hospital)
- Pam Merchanthouse (Friends Fellowship Community)
- Dudley Fetzer (First Bank Richmond)
Call to Order:
President Gary Arndts called the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m.
in the Richmond Power and Light Auditorium.
Old Business:
The minutes from the November 8, 2007, meeting were reviewed.
Randy Baker moved to accept the minutes as presented, Tim Love
seconded, motion passed. Due to Jane's computer being out of
service the previous week, an updated budget report was unavailable.
The board will be notified via the mailing list once the updated
report is published.
New Business:
Budget Review:
In light of the necessary expenditure for a new computer
($667.36) discussion took place regarding adjusting the proposed
budget for the year. It was agreed that the expenditure would
be placed on the appropriate line item (Furniture and Equipment) and
that line item would be reflected as a negative balance for the
Terms of Use:
A new "Terms of
Service" policy was presented to the board and suggested that it
should replace the current "Acceptable Use
Policy" that was instituted when the organization was created in
1997. The new
"Terms of Service" policy better addresses our current business
operations. Jodi moved that the
"Terms of Service"
policy replace the "Acceptable Use Policy",
Dudley Fetzer seconded, the motion passed unanimously.
Turtle Page:
Discussion took place regarding the proposal to use Google AdSense
to place ads on the
Spotlight page from 2004 featuring a box turtle crossing the
Cardinal Greenway Trail that rose to the top of the Google image
search, beginning May 2007.
Fee Waived Associate Member:
The Vision Committee reviewed the suggestion of a current WayNet
member that a new membership level be considered for those
organizations who are not 501(c)3's and do provide a service to the
community, do not generate sufficient income (and may in fact be
donating their time/services/money to provide the service) to
justify paying for a basic WayNet membership, but whose website
would be beneficial to the community and WayNet's visitors.
proposal was made to the board and discussion on the pros and
cons of this new membership level took place. The board felt
it was important that any organization that receive the fee waiver
place a WayNet logo icon and link on
it's home page. Discussion took place regarding a requirement
to place this on all pages. While beneficial and encouraged,
it was decided not to make this a requirement. It was felt the
"No Advertising" requirement was essential and would extend to
include web hosting services that provide space for free but display
ads. A name for this new membership level was discussed.
It was felt that "Partner" inferred to much status. "Associate
Member" was the agreed upon term. Tim Love moved that the
proposal be accepted as proposed, with the exception of the removal
of the question in the parentheses and that the new level be called
"Associate Member". Jim Dinkle seconded the motion.
Motion passed.
Executive Director's Report:
Jane reviewed the directors report and displayed the current
stats from Google Analytics. The complete Executive Director’s report
is available on WayNet.
The meeting adjourned at 1:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jane Holman