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WayNet Director's Report - October 18, 2018


Changes/Additional Fees:

  • (+$ 60) Richmond Neighborhood Restoration
  • (-$500) Wayne Bank

Photo Sales

  • (+$ 100) Town of Centerville
  • (+$ 150) Model T Ford Club of America / Magazine Cover Award
  • (-$190) Total Income
  • Advertising/Marketing/Community Relations

    • Wayne County Connections TV Show (Viewers directed back to website /Page)
      • Taped 1 show segments:
      • August show featured Eric Marsh, Executive Director for Whitewater Community Television, as August was WCTV's 30th Anniversary.
      • September - Host was ill, October featured Achieva Resources Corporation, Inc.
      • The WC Connections page received 38 pageviews from 34 users from July 19 through September 16 per Google Analytics.
    • Note: Numbers are as of 9/20/2018 so as to maintain reference to previous time periods.
    • Twitter - we now have 2,265 followers, a .014% decrease. Have sent 4,032 tweets. During
      July, we had 4,656 impressions, 156 profile visits and 11 new followers. So far in September, we've had 7,048 impressions, 68 profile visits and 12 new followers. In August, we had 5,964 impressions, 193 profile visits and lost 46 followers.
    • Facebook - 1,423 (1,428 as of 10/17) people "like" our Facebook page (2.59% increase), 76% are female, 23% male.
    • Our Flickr account regularly receives 500 to 1,600 views daily. Occasionally, we will have an anomaly and it bursts up to 20,000+ in one day. Our 15,382 photos have received 3,875,513 views since we joined in 2005. We have 200 followers.
    • Our Instagram account (@waynet_org) has 79 posts, 322 followers and 353 following.

    Issues & Projects for July / August / September / October

    • Still working on transfering data from Access into a Google Spreadsheet so we don't lose the information.
    • Portable Drive Died - Researched / Confirmed / Ordered New One / backed up files
    • Lots of News & Calendar Items the past two months. Many events happen in the fall.
    • Add RCT info, fall festivals the the calendar, as otherwise no one does this.
    • Update "more calendars", restaurant and lodging pages.
    • Took two vacation days in August.
    • Ran link check several times and updates pages as necessary.
    • Received notice that Aubrey is leaving the board, follow up with Pam & Dakota.
    • Wayne Bank is discontinuing membership.
    • Go to Airport to take photos of B-17 - event cancelled.
    • Several meetings with community members, re: upcoming events
    • Updated SSL Certificate (can now do myself, current free option needs to be updated every 3 months)
    • Met with Dakota to discuss current challenges, including budget, executive board & board member openings
    • Attended MRL's Staff Development Day (where I was able to get some photos for the next week's home page!)
    • Work on budget projection for next 3 months

    Photo Sessions:

    • Rural Shots
    • City Life
    • Family Fun Fest
    • Fountain City Fall Festival
    • Traffic Backup on I-70
    • Columbus Zoo Visits Friends Fellowship Community
    • RSO's Brass on the Grass
    • Chester Blvd Buildings & Entrances
    • Turkeys
    • Middlefork Reservoir & Springwood
    • Veteran's Car Show
    • City Council Meeting
    • Hagerstown Jubilee Festival
    • Rose Garden
    • Ainsley's Cafe

    Website Maintenance:

    • Clean broken internal links.
    • Update logos, links, as requested.
    • Review and update page links & calendar events, and press releases as necessary. Take photos.
  • Technical issues:
    • Still need to purchase & set up SSL Certificate

    My To-Do List:

    • Website Overhaul - continue transferring pages to new layout - New, Spotlight and Minutes are still outstanding to transfer. Often viewed spotlighted items are transferred as they receive notice.
    • Research updated calendar software options
    • Ongoing: Schedule guests for County Connections.
    • Ongoing: Make calls on members/potential members
    • Ongoing: Continue to review & update web pages.
    • Prepare & Mail invoices and statements each month, Accounts Receivable
    • Ongoing - Review files for clean up using Screaming Frog SEO spider and Optimizr.com.
    • Set up Internship/Volunteer Program

    Log Analysis

    2017 Reports

    Google Analytics Report for 2017 / Comparison to 2016

    Behavior Flow - Via Landing Page - 2017

    Aquisition 2017

    Devices 2017

    Top 100 Landing Pages 2017

    Traffic 2017

    Current Reports

    Current Google Analytics Report, compare previous period

    Current Google Analytics Report, compare same period/previous year

    Behavior Flow - Via Landing Page - Current Period

    Behavior Flow - Via Default/Home Page - Current Period

    Note that our unique visits are down significantly, likely due to our site being "dinged" by Google for not being "mobile-friendly".

    Historical Background

    The figures that were formerly in this section were created from the statistics generated by the AWStats program offered online by our web host.

    One of the major changes that occurred when AMHosting moved our site to a new server was that we no longer have access to AWStats, the statistics program we used for years.

    The downside is that we can no longer compare apples to apples when looking at our historical data. The good news is that we have had Google Analytics set up on the site for some time, so we can still maintain a long-term overview by looking at this service.


  • FacebookYouTubeFlickrTwitter

    WayNet is Sponsored by:
    Reid Health
    We R Richmond - Richmond Community Schools
    Morrisson-Reeves Library
    City of Richmond, Indiana

    Community Photo

    More Photos:
    Wayne County | WayNet Albums

    Did You Know?

    Johnny Ringo, a famous outlaw who became the chief antagonist of Wyatt Earp, was born in Greens Fork, Indiana (then known as Washington).