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WayNet Director's Report - September 17, 2015

Changes/Additional Fees:

  • (-$ 60) Long Life Food Depot
  • (-$ 60) Total Memberships
  • (+$ 25) Lakeview Collection
  • (+$ 25) Total Miscellaneous
  • Wayne County Connections TV Show (Viewers directed back to website /Page)
    • Repeat in July
    • Featured Janice McGuire and Mary Lou Griffey discussing Fountain City in August.
    • Featured Wayne County Cultural Atlas on show that will air begining 9/22/15.
    • In discussion with Wayne County Health Department - working on a show to be filmed at their facility
    • Met with Michael to discuss topics for upcoming shows.
    • The WC Connections page received 43 pageviews from 27 sessions / 19 users from July 17 through September 16 per Google Analytics.
  • Google: Recent changes to Google's algorithms may continue to hurt us unless more changes are made to the website. Google announced in late April that it will now give preference to those sites that are mobile-friendly when searches are done on a mobile device. Google is offering a "mobile-friendly test tool" if you want to check your site.
  • Twitter - we now have 1,684 followers, an 3.6% increase. Have sent 2,766 tweets.
  • Facebook - 939 people "like" our Facebook page (2.4% increase), 73% are female, 25% male. 54.0% are from Richmond, 67.9% are from Wayne County.
  • Our Flickr account regularly receives 1,500 to 3,000 views daily. Occasionally, we will have an anomaly and it bursts up to 20,000+ in one day.
  • Updated all links to reflect Reid Health's new name.
  • Submitted our yearly report to the Indiana Secretary of State
  • Working with Lingle regarding the images they've chosen to use on their newly updated website.
  • Lots of festivals, events, and performance seasons to enter on calendar.
  • Technical issues:
    • Sound Driver - had to uninstall an update to AMD as I had no sound on my system.
    • No Internet connection at the City Building from Sept 8 - 16. Work from Library & home.
  • Content:
  • Transfer pages to new layout:
    • Directory
    • About Us
    • News
    • Business Directory
    • Not-for-Profits
    • News/Local News
    • Discover Wayne County
    • Find It Fast
    • Knowledge Center
      • Arts
        • Architecture
    • Things To Do
      • Fun and Games
      • Sports & Recreation
      • Museums
    • Reid Ride
    • Cambridge City Library Concert
    • Chanticleer Quartet
    • Yarn Bombing in Downtown Richmond
    • State Fair Band Day
    • Hagerstown Jubilee Days
    • Center for Science and Technology at Earlham College
    • Potterypalooza
    • Starr-Gennett Music Festival
    • Canal Days
    • Earlham Convocation
    • NBC Visits Veach's
  • Website Maintenance:
    • Clean broken internal links.
    • Continue to clean up old folders/files left over from FrontPage. Still in process.
    • Update logos, links, as requested.
    • Review and update page links & calendar events, as necessary. Take photos.
  • Website Overhaul - continue transferring pages to new layout, reorganize folders and files as appropriate, setup new pages as required for new layout, add auto file transfers to .htaccess as required.
  • Research updated calendar software options
  • Ongoing: Schedule guests for County Connections.
  • Ongoing: Make calls on members/potential members
  • Ongoing: Continue to review & update web pages.
  • Prepare & Mail invoices and statements each month, Accounts Receivable
  • Ongoing - Review files for clean up using Screaming Frog SEO spider and Optimizr.com.
  • Set up Internship/Volunteer Program

Google Analytics Report for 2014 / Comparison to 2013

Current Google Analytics Report, compare previous period

Current Google Analytics Report, compare same period/previous year

This report compares our analytic figures from May 15, 2015 to July 15, 2015 with the same period the previous 2 months. The second report compares it to the same period the previous year.

Historical Background

The figures that were formerly in this section were created from the statistics generated by the AWStats program offered online by our web host.

One of the major changes that occurred with AMHosting moving our site to a new server (which is supposed to be more stable) is that we no longer have access to AWStats, the statistics program we have been using for years.

The downside is that we can no longer compare apples to apples when looking at our historical data. The good news is that we have had Google Analytics set up on the site for some time, so we can still maintain a long-term overview by looking at this service.

The key - to me - is to properly choose which metrics are important to us and to be able view them quickly and easily on a regular basis. Google Analytics offers such a depth of information, it can feel like you're drowning in it.

Once we have settled on what metrics are important to us, these can be published in a report which is emailed on a regular basis. Should this be sent to the board group mail - once a month?, once a week?, once a quarter?

I just (as in 9/17) updated the code used on our website to the most current version for Google Analytics. Hopefully, this will improve the reporting, but there is a small possibility that things could be awry. I will keep monitoring it. I know there are old pages on our site that do not have the Analytics code on them. As I continue to switch the older pages to our new layout, this will be corrected.



WayNet is Sponsored by:
Reid Health
We R Richmond - Richmond Community Schools
Morrisson-Reeves Library
City of Richmond, Indiana

Featured Member

Morrisson-Reeves Library

Community Photo

More Photos:
Wayne County | WayNet Albums

Did You Know?

John M. Westcott started the Hoosier Drill Company in Milton, Indiana in 1858. The company grew and expanded into Richmond and eventually became part of the American Seeding Machine Company, which, in turn, became part of the International Harvester Company.