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WayNet Director's Report - May 17, 2012

Changes/Additional Fees:

  • (+ $300) Added Richmond State Hospital
  • (+ $300) Added Simplfy Systems
  • (+    60) Added First Church of the Nazarene
  • (+    60) Added Richmond Columbian Properties, Inc.
  • Fees:
  • (+    75) Create Richmond Columbian Properties, Inc.Page
  • (+ $795) Total
  • Wayne County Connections TV Show (Mentioned as "Producer"/Page)
    • Taped two shows, featuring Sherrif Jeff Cappa and Tom Butters of the Hagerstown Museum and Arts Place.
    • The WC Connections page received 132 visits in March and 108 in April.
  • Twitter - we now have 536 followers.  Have sent 1,278 tweets.
  • Facebook - 326 people "like" our Facebook page
  • Website Overhaul - continue transfering pages to new layout, begin reorganizing folders and files, setup new pages as required for new layout, add auto file transfers to .htaccess as required.
  • Set up Internship/Volunteer Program
  • Ongoing: Schedule guests for County Connections.
  • Ongoing: Make calls on members/potential members
  • Review & update members email addresses
  • Ongoing: Continue to review & update web pages.

These figures were created by the AWStats program offered online by our web host.  We also track usage with Google Analytics. For comparison, visitrichmond.org shared that their site received 3,678 visits in January 2011.

Monthly figures are posted on the Top Twenty page.  Current average is 48,837 user sessions per month. Web page views are averaging 228,844. As expected, users sessions gained in January with just a small fall off in February, due to the shortend number of days in that month. Page views increased 6% in January and 10% in Feburary - a 3% increase over the previous year.

4th Quarter 2011 - Quarterly figures for user sessions remained fairly steady from 3rd Quarter with a slight 1% dip. Page views decreased by 2% in the fourth quarter.

2011 Yearly Figures show a decrease to 604,177 users requesting 2,703,864 pages as compared to 689,268 users requesting 3,146,660 pages in 2010.  This is a 12% decrease in users and a 14% decrease in page views over 2010, when we experienced a 13% increase.

Monthly User Sessions

Monthly Page Views

Unique Visitors

Quarterly User Sessions

Quarterly Page Views

Annual Visitors to WayNet.org

2010 = 689,268, 2012 = 604,177,

Annual Page Views

2010 = 3,146,660, 2011 = 2,703,864,


WayNet is Sponsored by:
Reid Health
We R Richmond - Richmond Community Schools
Morrisson-Reeves Library
City of Richmond, Indiana

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Did You Know?

John Finley, Richmond, Indiana mayor from 1852 until his death in 1866, wrote the poem "The Hoosier's Nest", which is often cited as the first written reference to the word "Hoosier".