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Levi Coffin House: Photos (1)

Levi Coffin Portrait

Levi Coffin Portrait - Click for a larger view.

Shoes and Shackles

Worn by some of the slaves who escaped with the help of the Coffins.


Sampler - Click for larger view.
Notice the missing "Z" in the top row.
Mistakes such as this were made deliberately to remind the stitcher that no one was perfect - except God.


Typical Quaker Buggy.  Click for a larger view.
A buggy, such as this one, would have been typical transportation for Levi and Catharine Coffin.

First Floor Kitchen Fireplace

Family kitchen on the first floor.

Basement Kitchen Fireplace

Basement Kitchen  - Click for larger view.

Horsehair Trunk

Horsehair Trunk owned by Phoebe Coffin.  Click for a larger view.

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Did You Know?

John M. Westcott started the Hoosier Drill Company in Milton, Indiana in 1858. The company grew and expanded into Richmond and eventually became part of the American Seeding Machine Company, which, in turn, became part of the International Harvester Company.